Codice Etico |

Ethical code

This Code of Ethics summarizes the practices and principles that define how ELP Group and its related entities operate in their daily activities and what they strive to achieve in the future.

ELP Group is committed to acting ethically, responsibly and with integrity towards its clients, its stakeholders and employees, the general public and the environment.

All employees of ELP Group, its governing bodies and all representatives who act on behalf of ELP Group are expected to share at their core the values defined in this document.

Ethical principles and values

We strive to manage our company in a responsible manner. Our relationship with all internal and external entities is based on the principles of honesty, fairness and respect.

As an employer ELP Group is committed to cultivate a nurturing working environment, applying the best standards in professional behavior and rejecting any form of discrimination, all the while ensuring the safety of the workplace, both on its physical and psychological forms. Indeed, we strive to provide a healthy place to work, where everyone feels comfortable to share their thoughts and proud to be part of our organization.

Laws and regulations

ELP Group complies with the applicable Swiss and International laws, regulations and standards, and vouches to stay up to date with their latest changes.

We are particularly committed to supporting efforts to combat money laundering and corruption of any kind.

Relationship with our employees

We actively encourage our employees to reach personal and professional success through a system that rewards performance and fosters both personal development and team building.

Furthermore, ELP Group helps its employees to follow their own aptitudes and inclinations in order to actively grow their skills by giving them the opportunity and means to do so.


We assign great value to confidentiality and we exercise due diligence in all aspects of our work, especially the ones regarding our relationship with our clients. No confidential information is ever shared to third parties without proper authorization unless explicitly required by law.

We assign great value to confidentiality and we exercise due diligence in all aspects of our work, especially the ones regarding our relationship with our clients. No confidential information is ever shared to third parties without proper authorization unless explicitly required by law.


We provide all necessary information to our clients, in accordance with their individual goals and needs, in a form that is highly comprehensive and easy to understand.

Additionally, we promptly inform our clients about all other relevant aspects of our business activities.

Sustainability and social responsibility

ELP Group is committed to respecting human rights and fighting climate change. To do so, we strive to reduce our carbon footprint by promoting and/or taking part in new sustainable initiatives every year.

Furthermore, we make sure that our business partners also comply with minimum standards relating to employment conditions and the environment.

I Nostri Partners


ELP Finance LTD

34, Wied Ghomor Street, St. Julians STJ 2043 – Malta

+356 20 341590



Corso San Gottardo 8A, 6830 Chiasso, Switzerland

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